
Common Areas


About your stay

A comfortable lounge with a private dining area is provided to the guests. Two lily pools with tropical fish, water lilies, lotuses and other exotic aquatic plants have been provided to thrill nature lovers.

Pure drinking water, bottled water, select beverages, aerated drinks and juices are available at all times, along with light snacks. You can also learn some mouth-watering royal cuisine dishes, on prior request, from the lady of the house, who is well known for her culinary skills.

There are over 50 acres of wild undeveloped, pollution free area on one side; wake up to the calls of peacocks, partridges and countless other birds and watch them in all their serene splendor. With no disturbing sounds of traffic, Colonel's Homestead offers the weary traveler a peaceful retreat, with nature and comforts of home.

We have an outdoor bar-be-cue with the appropriate accoutrements. Sit outdoors, savour and also learn to make kebabs and other Indian bar-be-cue dishes.

Participate with the family and other guests, strumming the guitar and singing songs. Play Monopoly or Scrabble, an engrossing game of Chess or curl up in your room with a book from our collection.

Several Gyms are located nearby. Guests can easily walk across and avail temporary membership at nominal rates.